what we do
The projects
Fields of action
The support of technologies, considered more as a support than an aid must be provided to:
- the associations and institutions in need;
- the impoverished in need, whose difficult situation requires special assistance, complementary to the public or private help;
- those in difficulty, to enable them to take charge of their lives as much as possible.
Technologies Sans Frontières is associated with several partners to achieve these projects. You can view the full list by clicking here.
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AÏDA : Advancing ICT for DRM in Africa
Acquire and share knowledge about affordable ICT solutions in Africa to reduce the risk of natural disasters and improve the capacity to respond to these disasters. This project is in progress.

IRMA : Integrated Risk Management for Africa
Build a reference platform suitable for the management of natural and environmental risks in Africa. This project is in progress.
SASSIA : Self-Sufficient Affordable Secure Satellite Internet Access for Internetless Areas
Design a prototype of a secure, affordable and self-sufficient access point, to provide internet access in so-called "white zones". This project is in preparation.
MeDiagnoSAT : Medical diagnosis by health professionals with satellite link
Improve the training of nursing staff by developing a “smart book” with a usable medical knowledge in various situations. This project is in preparation.